
Excerpts from Dr. Murray Stein Youtube channel lecture.

Dr. Murray Stein on how he found out about @BTS_twt and his thoughts on BTS and the BTS ARMY: "The members of BTS joined that group at a very young age. They were teenagers and they were spotted in various contexts of the organizers of the…


昨日、 ネトフリで例の映画観てたらガッツリ寝落ちしてしまい、 結局最初の5分間くらいしか憶えてない でも今日は、 朝9時〜翌1時過ぎまでTBSチャンネル1でタリョラバンタンぶっ通しだし、 その後はバンタンのWAKE UPツアーの放送だし、 要するに【バンタン…